
It seems like everyone has a PDA
(Personal Digital Assistant) now days. They take the clutter
out of purses or back pockets, you can have your address
book, calendar, tasks, appointments, documents, MP3's and
games all in one little package. Some models include cell
phones to lighten your load even more!
So why not dress it up for
Halloween? Most of them let you set a wallpaper background
just like with a home computer or laptop. Just find a few
that you like, size them down small and load them on to your
Some PDA's also use screensavers
and you can find Halloween themed to work here as well.
Just do a search for PDA screen savers and see if yours will
allow them. If so, there are plenty of places to find them
on line.
You can also load all your
favorite Halloween themed pictures on board and set it to
slide-show mode. You can sit and enjoy a slide show
presentation of your favorite pictures where ever you go!
Most types can also play MP3
files so you could load on your favorite Halloween music to
take with you where ever you go. Listen through the built in
speaker or put on a set of headphones and enjoy the music!
Possibilities are endless with
the newer PDA's, and it just gives you one more way to enjoy
the Halloween season by taking it with you everywhere you go
to enjoy any day at any time. Isn't technology wonderful? |