Sending out a Halloween Newsletter to your friends and family
is a lot of fun and a great way to let everyone know what
you will be doing for Halloween this year. We've done this
for years and everyone we send one to seems to love receiving them!
Writing the
We try to keep our Halloween Newsletter
to two or three pages in length, but you can make yours longer
or shorter.
You can use
almost any word processing software, such as MS Word, or a
full fledged publishing program like MS Publisher to make a
very presentable newsletter.
The newsletter should include
your family's plans for Halloween and could also include
trivia, tips, poems, recipes, etc.
Pictures add
visual excitement to a newsletter, but try not to put more
than one picture on each page, otherwise the page will look
cluttered, plus it will save ink when printing the
newsletter out.
Adding colored area's on a page
is much more eye
appealing, but also takes a lot more ink, particularly if
you will be printing a lot of copies.
Be sure to run spell check on every page,
nothing looks worst than a lot of spelling errors and
the Newsletter
Use high quality paper for the best appearance. Once you have printed
all of the pages out,
you should staple the pages together in the intended order.
For envelopes, you can use a full size manila envelope or
fold the newsletter to fit inside of a legal envelope.
Envelopes can be found in a variety of colors, including
orange at your local office supply or stationary store.
the Newsletter
will want to mail out
your newsletter well before Halloween. If its a weekday, we
always mail ours out on October 13th., so that it has that
wonderful postmark. You can take your ready-to-send
envelopes to the post office and ask that they hand stamp
We have
created a basic
Halloween newsletter in MS Word that you can download and
adapt with your own Halloween related information. Since you
may not have the same fonts installed as we do, we used basic fonts in
the template, but suggest that the titles be changed to
more appropriate fonts for Halloween. You can find a great
selection of spooky fonts at
Click here to download our basic
MS Word "Halloween Newsletter" template (zipped).
Save the file into the folder of your choice and then un-zip
it. You are free to use
the template for personal use, but if you use our example
content or pictures, please leave the small text box with
the Halloween Online web site address at the bottom of the
last page.
