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Halloween Guide and Ideas


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Halloween Guide and Ideas
Halloween Guide and Ideas


Simulating the effect of a shorted-out lamp or even a whole room full of lamps can be an eerie and unsettling visage. One way we've found to safely accomplish this is by using an "Artificial Pumpkin Light". You can find them at many stores that sell Halloween props. We used to use the type from PumpkinLight.com, which was the best but unfortunately they are no more..

These are intended as an alternative to using real candles to illuminate Jack O' Lanterns, but they have many other uses. They are battery powered and flicker like a candle using three bright yellow LED Light Bulbs.

To simulate a shorted-out lamp, we like to use lamps that look old. Start by unplugging the lamp you intend to use as a Halloween prop. It is extremely important that the lamp be unplugged and remain unplugged during the entire time that it is being used as a prop to avoid the possible electrocution and the possibility of fire.

We highly suggest that you coil the cord up and secure it with a twist-tie, then attach a tag to the cord that states, "DO NOT PLUG IN!".

Next, remove the lamp shade from the lamp and then unscrew and remove the light bulb from the lamps light bulb socket and set it aside in a safe place. Now, place an "Artificial Candle Pumpkin Light" between the lamp's metal harp with the Pumpkin Light facing down and attach with tape.

Be sure to use enough tape so that the Pumpkin Light won't fall out of the harp later. Replace the lamp shade and switch on the Pumpkin Light. This effect looks best in a dimly lit room.

Halloween Lighting Effects Machine
This unit makes the lights in your house flicker to spooky sounds. The sound-sensitive lighting effects machine makes your house lamps brighten, dim and flicker to creepy noises. Just plug lamps into controller, slide the included sound effects CD into your player, adjust the sound sensitivity control and your house is haunted! Works with your own music CDs too.

Controls up to 500 watts of lighting (that's five 100 watt light bulbs). Sound effects CD features thunderstorms, creaking floors, beating hearts, buzzing electrical current and much more. With built-in microphone, on/off/sensitivity switch, LED power indicator light, extra fuse and 6 ft. power cord. ETL listed. Not for use with fluorescent lights.


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