So why would we dedicate an entire article
just about candy
eyeballs? The reason is that they work as a great decoration for
all kinds of food and Halloween treats. There's just
something really disturbing when your dinner or desert is staring back
at you.
From Jell-O molds to
cakes, or even actual dinner entree's, these creepy candies can really
add a
appearance to just about anything edible.
The truth is, none of the candy
eyeballs that we have tried actually tasted that great, but
for our purpose taste is not really that important. What is
important is that they are edible and safe to put on or
in food, and can really enhance it visually.
While there are several brands
of candy that looks like eyeballs, our favorite
type of candy peepers are the "Trolli" brand gummy eyeballs,
because they look pretty good and seem to hold up well when placed
in or on food. They come in different four colors, red,
green, blue and yellow. You should know that in the package
they appear to be blood-shot eyes, but this is only part of
the packaging. The eyeball is solid white except for the
colored iris and pupil.
As an example of what kind of an
enhancement these creepy confections can make, the two pictures below show our
Skull Jell-O Mold with and without candy eyeballs, see
what a difference they make in the overall appearance.
You can use them on just about
anything, lets say you are having a
sit-down spaghetti dinner, before placing the spaghetti
filled plates on the table, position a couple of candy
eyeballs on top. We like to place one in the center of each
of our Halloween cupcakes for a disturbing effect.
We also tried to float candy
eyeballs in our Halloween punch. Unfortunately, because
there is more weight on the side that has the simulated iris and
pupil, the whole thing flips upside-down and you can't see
them. We have yet to come up with a safe way to
counter-weight them so that they can be used in punch, but
will continue to work on a solution.
So, the next time you cook-up
one of your favorite Halloween recipes, consider adding a
couple of creepy candy eyeballs to make it come alive.