Bill Maher
Sparks Outrage!
October, 2006

With the world known conservationist Steve Irwin dying just
the month before, talk-show host Bill Maher has sparked
public outrage by wearing a Steve Irwin Halloween costume comprised
of a khaki shirt with a bloody stingray barb attached at the
chest to numerous Halloween parties over the weekend,
lacking any since of respect for Steve's grieving family.
Bill Maher commonly known for his crude, thoughtless and
tasteless banter has really crossed the line this time in what can only be the most classless and utterly
unsympathetic insult to Steve Urwin's family.
Maher who hosts a weekly HBO show has angered many of his
fans and has angrily refused to apologize for wearing the
bloody Steve Irwin costume.
"Stop hassling me about my Halloween costume," Maher said,
speaking on his TV show, Real Time with Bill Maher.
Photograph of Maher in his Crocodile Hunter costume,
complete with a bloody stingray barb hanging out of his
Maybe he
should have worn a "Jack Ass" costume instead!
October 2008
In October of 2006, we thought it was bad when liberal extremist
Bill Maher wore a Steve Irwin costume, complete with a bloody
stingray barb protruding out of the chest, just weeks after
Irwin had been tragically killed by a stingray... We were
Monday October 27, in what can only be described as a
hateful and horrendous act, Chad Michael Morisette,
displayed a life-size mannequin, unmistakably dressed and
accessorized to resemble Alaska governor and vice
presidential candidate Sarah Palin, hung from the eaves of
his West Hollywood, California home from a hangman's noose,
no doubt
as a political statement.
Further up on
the roof, another mannequin, clearly portraying presidential
candidate John McCain, sticking half way out of the chimney
surrounded in fake flames as though he is being consumed by
the fire.
In spite of
receiving telephone calls complaining about this despicable
display, West Hollywood spokeswoman Helen Goss said that it
was not a violation of the city's municipal code and that
this type of act was protected by First Amendment rights.
Steve Whitmore, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County
Sheriff's Department, stated that the department does not
consider this to be a hate crime. This response by law
enforcement clearly shows the immense double-standard in the
interpretation and enforcement of "hate crime" legislation. Shouldn't
we all be offered equal protection under the law?
At this time,
Morisette has refused to take down this display and
according to Reuters, Morisette himself admitted that had he depicted
Barack Obama in a similar way, it would not have gone over
as well.
Some people
have called this political display in bad taste, others that it is disgraceful,
but most people, irregardless of political affiliation, feel
that it is a hate crime and should be removed
In my opinion, there is no question that had this been a
Barack Obama effigy, that this would be labeled a hate crime and the
perpetrator would come under heavy scrutiny by the press and
would be investigated by the FBI and Secret Service.
But for me, this overt depiction of violence is so obscene,
heinous and ugly that it demonstrates how one segment
of the American population has become so hateful and
vicious. This type of extreme behavior is poisonous to our
country and reflects very badly on our
beloved holiday of Halloween.