These are specific
noises meant to generate a reaction from your visitors such as the
noise of a chainsaw, people screaming, a dog barking or growling. Ambient
sounds include spooky, but natural sounds such as the wind
blowing, crickets chirping, owls wooing, etc. for indoors, they may be water dripping,
creaking wood, thumping sounds. Below are our top picks for Halloween Sound Effects CD's.
Scary Sound
Effects - Need a sound effects CD for some haunting good
fun? Here's one that's not too bad at all! Nightmarish Noise For Halloween will give you
what you are looking for. It has sections for Front Door greetings, Witchcraft, Graveyard
at Night, Visit To The Bat caves, The Martians Are Coming, an Scary Music. Chances are
you'll find what you need on this CD. Rhino Records |
- The most amazing,
original, diverse collection of madcap sound effects, musical
pranks, mayhem & mischief you've ever heard. Created by Emmy
Award-winning sound designers. Twisted Circus Creep Show (48
min): Ghoul's midway; freakazoid clowns; ultimate fright night
storm; house of tortured souls; evil roaming dogs; alien cargo
vessel; worst nightmare hotel; "Midnight Madness" rock 'n' roll
and much more. |
Spooky, Scary
Sounds For Halloween - Martha Stewart - Deranged laughter,
hooting owls, crashing thunder, creaking doors and more! These
scary sounds will send shivers down your spine and conjure up
haunting images. This special collection of authentic, eerie
effects was originally created to scare trick-or-treaters at her
own front door! add it to your library of haunt effects!
Rhino Records |
Sound Effects - Lots of eerie sound effects for your every
need! Creepy sound effects include: Evil Laugh, Thrown Off a
Cliff, Choking, Heavy Breather, Mad Science, Mad Dog, Ghost
Sounds, Outer Space, UFO's Have Landed, Alien Invasion, Calm
Before The Storm, Downward Spiral, and more. Delta |
101 Digital
Sound Effects - Sounds of Horror - Ninety eight tracks on
this remarkable sound effects CD! Sounds include: Gasping-Woman,
Terrified Scream-Woman, Group Of Woman Screaming, Crowd Screams,
Angry Mob Screams, Frightened Breathing, Dying Breaths 1 & 2,
Last Breath, Scary Heavy Breathing, Ghost Sounds, Monster
Sounds, Bones Breaking and so much more! Delta |
Sounds of
Horror - Another creepy sound effects CD., thirty eight
tracks in all. Sounds include: Midnight in Graveyard with Clock
Chime , Violent Thunderstorm/Wind/Rain, Chain Dragging Slowly,
Demonic Laughter, Creaking Door Swings Back and Forth,
Steps Down Echoing Hall, Creaking Door Closes, Supernatural
Wind, Footsteps and more. Columbia River Entertainment |
Ghost & Ghoul Sounds -
Seventy eight tracks on this CD with
sounds ranging from wolves baying, creaking doors, ghostly
sounds, creaking doors, footsteps, grave diggers, chains
rattling, howling wind, demons laughing and more. a
re0issue from Columbia River Entertainment |
Movie Soundtracks * Halloween
Soundscapes * Halloween
Party Music |