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Halloween Guide and Ideas


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Halloween Guide and Ideas
Halloween Guide and Ideas


While we are decorating our homes for Halloween, let's not forget that one part of ourselves that we can decorate, too, ladies! Our finger and toe nails, of course! Fashion trends say that short, just above the finger tip nails are in again this year and that's all well and good for some people like run-way models but some of us still love the look of longer nails! If you aren't one of them, at least for the month of October why not put on some claws and deck them out for Halloween? Or, if you are a true Halloween fanatic, keep them this way all year long!

I was a licensed manicurist, make-up artist and cosmetologist for many, many years, so doing my own nails isn't a problem for me. But if you aren't proficient in doing acrylic nails, you can find places in just about any mall or town that will do a set of nails to your specifications for twenty dollars, sometimes less if on sale.

You can have some claw-like nails put on at a salon or do them yourself if you can. One of the best nail tips, the ones I always use, are KISS Hawk Curve but they have gotten hard to find over the past years. Good thing I stocked up! Any brand will do, as long as they are long and have a curve to them.

I use All Season Professional or ASP brand carried at Sally Beauty Supply. The Vivid Pink colored powder makes a natural looking nail, it doesn't yellow and lifting isn't a problem. Using this product along with nail tips, you can make them relatively thin and have little or no breakage. Any brand will do, but the better product comes from beauty supply stores.

Once you have your nails on or if you have your own natural nails ready to go, here are some ideas for painting your nails that you can do yourself. All it takes is a steady hand and a little time for drying. Start off with a fresh manicure and two coats of clear nail polish. Make sure it's nice and dry! You'll also need these things:

  • French tip guides for toe nails
  • Black nail polish
  • Orange nail polish (shade of your choice)

And here's what I did:

You can buy French tip guides for toe nails that are a straight line. These work best. If you can't find those use French Nail tip guides in the Chevron style. Take the Chevron guides and cut them down the center of the "V". You can find the nail guides at most any drug or department store that carries nail products. Cutting The Forms
Use one side to make a diagonal slash across the nail tip. Stick one side to the free edge of the nail and bring it across to the opposite side. You can start it at either nail edge, I always seem to start at the right tip and go diagonally down left. Do the opposite hand in the opposite direction so if you held two fingers together it would form a "V" again. Placement of Forms on Nails
It's up to you which you want for the main color. I prefer black with an orange tip. Use two coats of any black nail polish, if you have a thick nail polish, you can use one good coat. Start at the nail base (just above the cuticle) and paint up to the tape, making sure not to go completely over it. Let each coat dry fairly well. Forms With Coats of Black Polish
Remove the strips carefully. If you have painted over the edge, you'll have to lift them slowly or the polish will leave a jagged edge. Now you'll have a black base and a natural nail tip. You can basically use any color you want on the tip, red looks good for a vampire. But I love Halloween colors, so I use orange. Orange polish always seems to be thin no matter the brand, so you'll probably need three coats. Removal of Forms and Bare Tips

After the paint has dried completely, follow it up with a couple coats of clear to seal it and you are all set to show off your Halloween spirit! I get tons of compliments on them no matter what time of year I wear them and you will, too! Wait till you see what most orange polishes look like under a black light! They light up neon orange! Way cool!

Orange Polish On Tips

With all the fun colors of nail polish available today, you can find many different shades of orange to choose from, from a mild pumpkin orange to neon orange. Let your imagination be your guide!

Candy Corn, who doesn't love it? A variation that I've done is the "Candy Corn" nail, seen on the right. Using the same technique as described above, first make a yellow layer on the bottom (close to cuticle) , when it dries make an orange layer in the middle. When that dries, if you have a steady hand, you can add the white without using the strips. Use any color yellow you like, there are so many shades of yellow and orange to be found! But we went with the true candy corn colors.

Candy Corn Nails

TIPS: Use thin, even coats on this type of effect or you'll end up with a bump where the colors meet. You may have to use an extra coat but they'll look better in the long run. Ever wonder why your nails are so yellow after you take your polish off? Dye from nail polish adheres to the nail if you don't use a couple coats of clear polish to seal your nails before applying color. That may look fine for a special effect at Halloween but in everyday life, stained yellow nails don't look so hot!

article by Dawn de la Morte'




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