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Farmer Grows Frankenstein Shaped Pumpkins
Tony Dighera, a California farmer is getting a lot of attention this
October, by producing real pumpkins in the shape of the Frankenstein monster's face! Dighera,
creates his monster-pieces, nicknamed "Pumpkinstein", by growing the pumpkins
in specially designed plastic molds on his forty acre pumpkin patch from
seedling to
harvest. By growing the pumpkin inside the mold, it takes on the mold's
characteristics as it grows larger and larger.
Back in 2010,
Dighera began experimenting with various plastic molds and a variety of watermelon
seeds after learning about square watermelons being grown in Japan.
After trying a slew of seed varieties, he finally produced a sweet, crisp,
cube-shaped watermelon. With this success he moved on to a heart-shaped melon
mold and finally pumpkins. After pouring almost four years of his life into this
creepy creation, including a lot of trial and error, he has created a wonderful monster
just in time for Halloween.
Since then, he has been
selling his unique pumpkins for a whopping seventy-five dollars each and that's the
wholesale price! Even at that price he has been doing a great business
having sold more than five thousand of them for the 2014 Halloween season.
Hopefully, the
frightening price will come down as demand increases. Next year he plans to
devote his entire farm to the eerie shaped pumpkins and will be adding white skull-shaped pumpkins to the
farm, and hopes to produce between thirty to forty
thousand of the monster faced fruit.
Cinagro Farms

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